Why should you choose a Jewish preschool program for your young child? If you're ready to start your first preschool search, take a look at the top reasons to choose a Jewish preschool.

Learn More About the Religion

While your three-, four-, or five-year-old may not ready to dig deep into world religions, they can learn the basics right now. Whether your child is Jewish or not, this type of educational program can help them to understand the religion in a way that makes sense to preschoolers. The early childhood educators who teach in a Jewish preschool have the experience and expertise necessary to accomplish this goal.

Specific aspects of Judaism a preschool program covers depends on the school, its curriculum, and the teachers. Common topics that preschool may include are holidays (such as Passover, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur), Jewish culture, the rabbi (who the rabbi is and what this person does as part of the community), Israel, and Jewish traditions.

Develop a Jewish Identity

A 2015 study, published in the Journal of Educational and Social Research, found the childhood programs can help young children to develop a sense of self. Along with learning about Judaism, preschool can help your young child to build a sense of self within the Jewish community. While your child may not leave preschool with a fully developed Jewish self-identity, they may understand that they are part of a larger group.

Meet Other Children

All quality preschool programs help children to develop basic social skills. Like other preschools, a Jewish early childhood center can also help your preschooler to learn about social norms—such as sharing and taking turns.

Along with general social development, preschool is also a place where many children make their first real friends. If you feel it's important for your child to build relationships with their Jewish peers, this type of preschool program is the perfect place to create new social ties.

Build New Skills

A Jewish preschool isn't all religion all the time. Even though Judaism is a focus of this type of religious early childhood center, it isn't the only topic or curriculum area. This means your child will get the chance to learn about everything from letters and numbers to the arts.

To better understand what a Jewish early learning program can offer your child, talk to the school's director. Schedule a tour of the facility and (if allowed) observe the classroom setting. This will help you to see what your child can or will learn when they start preschool.

Contact a preschool like Tiny Tots Incorporated to learn more.
